PERSEUS ペルセウス/ INTO THE SILENCE イントゥ・ザ・サイレンス (限定CD)

販売価格 2,200円(税200円)

the Italian Symphonic Power Metal band Perseus title of the album "Into The Silence".

The CD will be a limited edition to 1000 copies only! and all we be numbered 01-1000

"Perseus is a power metal band formed in 2011 in Brindisi (Puglia, Southern Italy) from the ashes of two local bands: “Hastings” (prog-metal, openers for Athena and Eldritch) and “Defenders of the Faith” (Judas Priest tribute band). Within an already well-explored genre, Perseus carved out their own personal space, taking inspiration from the old metal school of bands like Judas Priest, Manowar and Queensryche, without disdaining influences from more "Avant-Gardes" bans such as Kamelot or the italian Rhapsody Of Fire and Labyrinth."


ペルセウスは2011年にイタリア南部のプッリャ州ブリンディジで結成されたバンドで、地元のバンド、“Hastings” (prog-metal, openers for Athena and Eldritch) と“Defenders of the Faith” (Judas Priest tribute band)から結成された。
Judas Priest, Manowar and Queensrycheあたりのクラシック・メタルバンドからKamelotや Rhapsody Of Fire やLabyrinthなどのイタリアのバンドまで影響を受け、折からのメタルブームに乗って大きく飛翔している。

1.The Clash Of The Titans
2.Into The Silence(Feat. duet with Roberto Tiranti on vocals, guitar solo by Aldo Lonobile)
3.Strange House(Feat. duet with Wild Steel on vocals)
4.The Kingdom(Feat. duet with Francesco Cavalieri vocals)
5.The Picture Of My Time(Feat. duet with Claudia Beltrame on vocals)
6.Defenders Of Light(Feat. duet with Marco Pastorino on vocals)
7.Il Labirinto Delle Ombre
8.Twilight(Feat. duet with Max Aguzzi on vocals)
9.I Believe In Love(Feat. duet with Anja Irullo on vocals)
10.Warrior(Feat. duet with Damna on vocals)
11.Cruel Game(Feat. duet with Lica Micioni on vocals)

